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Aileapart : ... *ronfle*
A bientôt, peut-être dans un passé simple proche... ?
Bibasse : Hey... toujours dans le coin?
Aileapart : Coin... Coin... Répondit l'écho.

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\\ Meeting People Is Easy
Le sous-titre : We are a target market
A film by grant gee about . Le fameux texte de la jaquette. Un airbag m'a sauvé la vie. A discuter autour d'un café au musée.

"If you have been rejected many times in your life, then one more rejection isn't going to make much difference. If you're rejected, don't automatically assume it's your fault. The other person may have several reasons for not doing what you are asking her to do: none of it may have anything to do with you. Perhaps the person is busy, or not feeling well or genuinely not interested in spending time with you. Rejections are part of everyday life. Don't let them bother you. Keep reaching out to others. Keep reaching out to others. When you begin to receive positive responses, then you are on the right track. It's all a matter of numbers. Count the positive responses and forget about the rejections."

Entré par Bibasse, le Jeudi 10 Mars 2005, 15:32 dans la rubrique "Culturiste".

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Thème inspiré par Bryan Bell.