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\\ Would we ever be ready?
Le sous-titre : timeless question

He never stopped when I falled off.

He kept drawing me by the strings,
My head was hurt bouncing on hard things,
But he never stopped when i was lying down.

He did not stop while I was inconscious.
Some branches crossed were soft enough
And some others had me bleeding,
And somehow no one had stopped me.

And I tried to pull the ropes to me,
I awoke, stood up and ran along
But i was too weak on my feet.
And I tried to break the ropes and leave,
Then even tried to change his path
To at least some green and peaceful field.

And it was a long time, before I get to realize
How much we all were bound together.

It was time that I realized,
It was time that I realized,
It was time that I realized,

He was Time

And I wasn't ready.

Would we ever be ready?

Entré par Bibasse, le Mardi 24 Janvier 2006, 00:07 dans la rubrique "Poëmes catalogués".

Version  XML  - Cette page est peut-être encore valide XHTML1.1 et CSS sans tableaux.
Thème inspiré par Bryan Bell.